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“स्वयमेव मृगेन्द्रता ”

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A Prayer (Mantra) that Guides and Inspires Our Work

।। प्रार्थना ।।

सर्वमंगल मांगल्यां देवीं सर्वार्थ साधिकाम् ।

शरण्यां सर्वभूतानां नमामो भूमिमातरम् ॥

सच्चिदानन्द रुपाय विश्वमंगल हेतवे ।

विश्वधर्मैक मूलाय नमोस्तु परमात्मने ॥

विश्वधर्मविकासार्थं प्रभो संघटिता वयम् ।

शुभामाशिषमस्तमभ्यम देहि तत परिपूर्तये ॥

अजय्यमात्मसामर्थ्यं सुशीलम लोक पूजितम् ।

ज्ञानं च देहि विश्वेश ध्येयमार्ग प्रकाशकम् ॥

समुत्कर्षोस्तु नो नित्यं नि:श्रेयस समन्वित ।

तत्साधकम स्फुरत्वन्त: सुवीरव्रतमुज्वलम् ॥

विश्वधर्म प्रकाशेन विश्वशांति प्रवर्तके ।

हिन्दुसंघटना कार्ये ध्येयनिष्ठा स्थिरास्तुन: ॥

सघंशक्तिर्विजेत्रीयं कृतवास्मध्दर्मरक्षणम् ॥

परमं वैभवं प्राप्तुं समर्थास्तु तवाशिषा ॥

त्वदीय पुण्ये कार्येस्मिन् विश्वकल्याणसाधके ।

त्याग सेवा व्रतस्यायम् कायो मे पततु प्रभो ॥

॥विश्व धर्म की जय ॥

English Transliteration:

sarvamangala mangalyam devim sarvartha sadhikama |

saranyam sarvabhutanam namamo bhumimatarama ||

sacchidananda rupaya visvamangala hetave |

visvadharmaika mulaya namostu paramatmane ||

visvadharmavikasartham prabho sangathita vayama |

shubhamasisham astamabyama dehi tata paripurtaye ||

ajayyamatmasamarthyam susilama loka pujitama |

gyanancha dehi visvesa dhyeyamarga prakasakama ||

samutkarshostu no nityam nisreyasa samanvita |

tatssdhakama sphuratvanta: suviravratamujvalama ||

visvadharma prakasena visvasanti pravartake |

hindusangathana karye dhyeyanishtha sthirastuna ||

sanghsaktirvijetriyam krutavasmadhdarmarakshanama ||

paramam vaibavam praptum samarthastu tavasisha ||

tvadiya punye karyesmina visvakalyanasadhake |

tyaga seva vratasyayama kayo me patatu prahoo ||

||visva dharma ki jaya ||

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Surya Namaskar

From time immemorial mankind has worshipped the sun. It is of little wonder since it dominates the skies and supports all with its heat, light and energy. Many great civilizations of the past developed deep philosophical religions around the sun such as ancient Mayans of South America or the Greeks who built temples, dedicated to the Sun God, Apollo. For the rishis of Vedic era in Bharat, the sun was worshipped in its entire splendour as Surya.

Surya Namaskar, which literally means salutation to the sun, was developed as an exercise many thousands of years ago to be practiced by everyone as an integral part of practical life. Performance of Surya Namaskar brings about general flexibility of the body preparing it for further Asanas and Pranayama. This is usually done both at sunset and sunrise, facing the sun. The human body is composed of a number of different organ systems. All organ systems work

together to maintain the body and perform some particular bodily function. In this respect Surya Namaskar is known as the complete practice, for its benefits are not confined to any one part of the body. It is a combination of few Yogasana postures. This is a well-balanced set of movements that will stretch all the muscles in the body and keep the body and mind healthy. A person who practices the Surya Namaskar daily in conjunction with balanced eating and sleeping is enjoys a

perfect health throughout his or her life.

Due to the involvement of stretching, compressing, bending and breathing techniques, the following systems of the body are benefited: Muscular, skeletal, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems. Surya Namaskar is There are 13 mantras which are different names of Sun God. The salutations offerings (Sun’s different names and attributes, are listed in parentheses) We should chant a mantra before each Surya Namaskar.


ॐ ध्येय सदा सवित्र मण्डल मध्यवर्ति।

नारायण सरसिजसनसन्निविष्टः।

केयुरवन मकरकुंडलवान किरीटी।

हारी हिरण्मय वपु: धृतशंखचक्रः।।

Dhyeya sada savitra mandala madhyavarti | Narayana sarasija sanasanni vishtah |

Keyuravana makarakundalavana kiriti, Hari hiranmaya vapura dhritashankha chakrah ||

1 ॐ वमत्राय नमः Om Mitrāya Namaḥ (The friend of all)

2 ॐ रियेनमः Om Ravaye Namaḥ (The Shining one)

3 ॐ सूयािय नमः Om Sūryāya Namaḥ (The one who induces activity)

4 ॐ भानिेनमः Om Bhānave Namaḥ (The one who illumines)

5 ॐ खगाय नमः Om Khagāya Namaḥ (The one who moves quickly in the sky)

6 ॐ पूष्णेनमः Om Puṣṇe Namaḥ (The giver of strength)

7 ॐ वहरण्यगभािय नमः Om Hiraṇya Garbhāya Namaḥ (The bright centre of all energy)

8. ॐ मरीचयेनमः Om Marīcaye Namaḥ (The lord of the dawn)

9 ॐ आवदत्याय नमः om ādityāya namaḥ (The Son of Aditi)

10 ॐ सवित्रेनमः om savitre namaḥ (The benevolent mother)

11 ॐ अकािय नमः om arkāya namaḥ (The one who is fit to be praised)

12 ॐ भास्कराय नमः om bhāskarāya namaḥ (The one who leads to enlightenment)

13 ॐ श्री सवित्र सूर्य नारायणाय नमःom śrīsavitṛsūryanārāyaṇāya namaḥ(The Surya (Sun)  

आदित्यस्य नमस्कारं ये कुर्वन्ति दिने दिने आयुः प्रज्ञा बलं वीर्यं तेजस्तेशन च जायते

ādityasya namaskāraan ye kurvanti dine dine āyuḥ prajñā balam vīryam tejasteśān ca jāyate

Steps in Surya Namaskar:

Soorya Namaskar-Sthiti : From Aarama, come to Soorya Namaskar-Sthiti (starting posture) in 3 counts: Ek-Do-Teen. These are the actions to be performed in three counts.
Ek: Join the heels, hands on the side, fingers facing down and palm open.

Do: Join the toes.

Teen: Join your hands to form Namaste position. Palms should be pressing against each other and the thumb joint should be at sternum (Solar Plexes). In this posture, breathing is normal and slow. Face should be normal and relaxed.

Step One: As you breathe in… Slowly raise your hands with biceps touching the ears and hands in namaste posture. Slowly bend backwards from your waist. Do not bend the knees. Look towards your palm.




Step Two: While breathing out… Slowly bend forward from the waist. Try to touch your palm to the floor on either side of your legs. Do not bend the knees. Nose should touch the knees. People with back problems should not bend too much. Bend only as much it is comfortable.





Step Three: As you breathe in… [Note: The description is for odd numbered namaskars (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.) For even numbered ones (2nd, 4th,..) interchange left and right leg]. Take your left foot back. Left knee should touch the floor. Two palms should be completely on the ground and the right foot should be in between the two hands. Fingers should be pointing to the front. Lean forward on the right knee, so that calf and thigh muscles press against each other chest rests on the thigh. Look up and make a concave on your back.

Step Four : While breathing out… Take right foot back and join with left foot. Arms should be straight. Most of the weight will be on the arms. The body should be in one plane like a slide. Look 5 feet in front of you on the floor.


Step Five : Bend your arms and touch your feet, knees, chest and forehead to the ground. Do not touch abdomen or nose (you don’t want to breathe in the dust!)

Step Six: As you breathe in… Come forward and bend back as much as you can. Abdomen should come between your hands. Look back from the top. Two legs should be joined.



Step Seven : While breathing out… Form a mountain like posture. Push your chin towards the chest. Heels should touch the floor.





Step Eight : As you breathe in..[Note: The descAathription is for odd numbered namaskars (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.). For even numbered ones (2nd, 4th,..) replace left leg with right leg] bring your left foot forward all the way between the hands. Exactly like step three.


Step Nine : While breathing out…Bring the right foot forward and stand up as in Do.

Step Ten : Back to Surya Namaskar Sthiti.





At the end of all the Soorya Namaskars, give the command “Aarama” Ek-Do-Teen.
Ek: Drop the hands on your sides. Palm facing down.
Do: Spread the toes and form V-Shape with the feet.
Teen: Aarama position.

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Ish Chintan

A collection of inspiring shlokas (mantras) from eternal Bhartiya Dharmic Scriptures

om bhūrbhuvaḥ svaḥ | tatsaviturvareṇyam bhargo devasya dhīmahi |
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt ||1||

O Almighty! You are the giver of life, the remover of pains and sorrows, the bestower of happiness. O Creator of the Universe, may we receive the supreme sin-destroying light. May You guide our intellect in the right direction.

om saccidānandarupāya namo'stu paramātmane |
jyotirmayasvarupāya viśvamāṅgalyamūrtaye ||2||

I bow the to the Supreme Ātman, who is the form of Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss; who is a Being of Light; and who is the image of Universal Good.

prakṛtiḥ pañca bhūtānī grahā lokā svaraāstathā |
diśaḥ kālaśca sarveṣāṁ sadā kurvantu maṅgalam ||3||

May the components of Nature —the five elements; the planets; and the worlds; the musical notes; the directions; and time — cause perpetual good for us.

ratnākarādhautapadāṁ himālayakirīṭinīm |
brahmarājarṣīratnāḍh yāṁ vande bhāratamātaram ||4||

Our salutations to Bharata Mata whose feet are washed by the waves of the ocean, who is crowned by the snowy Himalayas, whose illustrious children have distinguished themselves as brahmarishis and rajarishis.

īśāvāsyamidaṁ sarvaṁ yatkiñca jagatyāṁ jagat |
tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam ||5||

The entire universe is pervaded by the Almighty, for the reason that it is dependent upon primordial nature, which in its turn is also pervaded by that Almighty. That Almighty alone its thus independent without a beginning or end. For this reason, enjoy whatever is given to you by the Almighty, protect the Self by renunciation, access it by passive awareness, and lust not after the wealth of others.

saṁgacchadhvaṁ saṁvadadhvaṁ saṁ vo manāṁsi jānatām |
devā bhāgaṁ yathā pūrve sañjānānā upāsate ||6||

Walk together. Talk together. Let your minds apprehend together,
like the Devas concurred and accepted their portions of sacrifice.

samāno mantraḥ samitiḥ samānī samānaṁ manaḥ sahacittameṣām |
samānaṁ mantramabhimantraye vaḥ samānena vo haviṣā juhomi ||7||

Common be their prayer. Common be their receipt, purpose, and desire.
I repeat for you their common prayer. I offer you a common oblation.

samānī va ākūtiḥ samānā hṛdayāni vaḥ |
samānamastu vo manoḥ yathā vaḥ susahāsati ||8||

Common be your intention. Common be your hearts’ wishes.
Common be your thoughts so that there may be union among you.

asato mā sad gamaya tamaso mā jyotirgamaya
mṛtyormā’mṛtaṁ gamaya ||9||

Lead me from unreal to real. Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from mortality to immortality.

pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṁ pūrṇātpūrṇamudacyate |
pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate ||10||

That (Absolute Brahman) is Infinite. This (Manifested Brahman) is also Infinite.
This Infinite has manifested from that Infinite.
With Infinite being removed from Infinite, only Infinite remains.

na tvahaṁ kāmaye rājyaṁ na svargaṁ naapunarbhavam |
kāmaye duḥkhataptānāṁ prāṇināmārtināśanam ||11||

I do not desire a kingdom, heaven, or the end of rebirth.
I only desire that all beings afflicted by misery become happy.

जीवनेयावदादानंस्यात्प्रदानंततोधिकं |
jīvane yāvadādānaṁ syāt pradānaṁ tathodhikam | 
ityeṣā prārthanā'smākaṁ bhagavan paripūryatām ||12||

The principle of giving more than what we receive is the ideal for life.
O Almighty, fulfill this prayer of ours.

sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ sarve santu nirāmayāḥ | 
sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu mā kaṣcidduḥkhabhāg bhavet ||13||

Let all be happy. Let all be free from diseases. Let all see auspiciousness in all. Let none suffer from grief.

शान्तिःशान्तिःशान्तिः॥  om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ||


The EKAATMATA MANTRA is a special unity hymn, which describes the various names of God that Hindus have used in prayers since times immemorial.  Though God is one, Hindus have given Him different names attributing to its special character, function, time, culture and philosophy.

Daily (in the morning) recitation of this Mantra with devotion and faith reminds us of the essential unity of all Hindu thought and philosophy, sects and creeds that comprise the whole Hindu society.  It makes us aware of the whole Hindu society as ONE and inspires us to work for its UNITY.





शास्तेतिकेचित्प्रकृती: कुमारःस्वामीतिमातेतिपितेतिभक्त्या।



yaṁ vaidikā mantradṛśaḥ purāṇāḥ indraṁ yamaṁ mātariśvā namāhuḥ |

edāntino nirvacanīyamekam yaṁ brahma śabdena vinirdiśanti ||

śaivāyamīśaṁ śiva ityavocan yaṁ vaiṣṇavā viṣṇuriti stuvanti |

buddhastathārhan iti bauddha jaināḥ sat śrī akāleti ca sikhkha santaḥ ||

śāsteti kecit prakrutih kumāraḥ svāmīti māteti piteti bhaktyā |

yaṁ prārthanyante jagadīśitāram sa eka eva prabhuradvitīyaḥ ||


Meaning: Whom (Yam) the Vaidika Mantradrashah (those who have understood the Vedas and to whom the mantras were revealed), the Puranas (stories and history of ancient times) and other sacred scrip­tures call: Indram (Indra, the God of Gods), Yamam (Yama, the eternal timeless God) and Mātariśvā (present everywhere like air). Whom the Vedāntins (those who follow the philosophy of Vedānta), indicate by the word Brahma as the One (ekam) which cannot be described or explained (Nirvachaniya).

Whom the Śaivas call (Avochan) the Omnipotent (Yamisham) Śiva and Vaishnavas praise (stuvanti) as Vishnu, the Buddhists and Jains (Baudhajainaha) respectively call as Buddha and Arhant (without any end), whom the Sikh sages (Sikh-santaha) call Sat Śrī Akāl (the timeless Truth).

Some (kecit) call Whom as Śāstā, others (prakrutih) Kumāra, some call It Swāmī (Lord of the Universe and protector of all), some Mātā (divine mother) or Pitā (father). To whom they offer prayers, It (Sa) is the same and the only One (Eka Eva), without a second (advitiyah).

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Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) is a voluntary non-profit, cultural organisation and a registered char

Vasant Panchami is believed to be the birth anniversary of Goddess Saraswati. Hence the day of Vasant Panchami is also known as Saraswati Jayanti. The day of Vasant Panchami is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, the Hindu Goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom and learning.It being one of the most prominent festivals of Bharat, it signifies the arrival of spring. It is also seen as a lucky day to begin new endeavors, learning, and artistic endeavors.Today we pay our obedience to Goddess Saraswati and seek her blessing to grace us with the light of knowledge and wisdom. On this day we also pay our homage to young Haqeeqat Rai who sacrificed his life to protect his faith and became a victim of intolerance at a young age of 15. #basantpanchami2025 #hindu #worldpeace ... See MoreSee Less
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Mauni Amavasya is one of the most important days and on this auspicious day people offer prayer to their ancestors and forefathers.It happens on the Amavasya (No moon day) in the month of Magh of Hindu calendar. Today millions of devotees will take a holy dip in Maha-Kumbh to show gratitude to their ancestors.The word “mauni” means to remain in silence. On this day its recommended to observe a discipline of silence as a means of introspection and self-reflection.As per our belief when the ocean was churned, it gave out many jewels including deadly poison and elixir. The Demons and Gods both wanted Elixir, however lord Indra’s son, Jayant ran with the pot of Elixir. While running few drops of it fell on the mortal Earth. The places it fell were, Prayag, Ujjain, Nashik and Haridwar. These are the places where Kumbh is celebrated each time. Lets know what how are Kumbh observed:· Sun in Capricorn + Jupiter in Tauraus = Prayag Kumbh· Sun in Aries + Jupiter in Leo = Ujjain Kumbh· Sun in Aries + Jupiter in Aquarius = Haridwar Kumbh· Sun & Jupiter in Leo = Nasik Kumbh (Singhasth)After 06 years = Ardh KumbhAfter 12 years = Poorn KumbhAfter 12 times 12 years on Poorn kumbh (12*12 = 144 years) = Maha Kumbh We pay our sincere obedience to the families who lost their lives today’s mishap. We also play our respects to millions of Hindus who have helped to keep our Dharma alive. #Wellbeing #mahakumbh2025 #WorldPeace #hindu ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh New Zealand
The festival of Makar Sankranti is a Hindu festival that celebrates Sun's transition into zodiac sign Makar (Capricorn). It is one of the few traditional Hindu festivals that are observed as per solar cycles. The season marks the end of winter and the beginning of longer days. It is also the beginning of the month of Magha. Makar Sankranti is a harvest festival that is celebrated across the country with different names. Each state celebrates the festival as per their culture and tradition. Makar Sankranti is devoted to the God Sun or Surya. The festival also symbolises the starting of a six-month auspicious period for Hindus called the Uttarayana period i.e., when sun starts its northward ascend hence the period between the winter and summer solstice. It is considered as a significant period for spiritual practices. This highly anticipated celebration marks the end of winter, the onset of longer days. People celebrate it with flying vibrant kites, savouring comforting flavours of khichadi, eating sesame & jaggery sweets and engaging in spiritual practises. In Tamil NAdu it is celebrated for four days as Pongal, and Bhogali Bihu in Assam. This year is even more special as Maha-kumbh starts today. HSSNZ wishes you all a very happy Makar Sankrati 2025 #MakarSankrati #Hindu #Wellness #WorldPeace #Heritage #KaiPoChe ... See MoreSee Less
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